Book Club @ MCL

Thursday, May 25, 2006


The Evening Book Club agreed that the author's illness and subsequent death was a theme subtley woven throughout the book. Carol Shields had breast cancer when she wrote the book and died after the book was published.
We talked about the place of daily life in all its tediousness in a book about a crisis that befalls a this case, a daughter who drops out of college and goes begging on the street.
We discussed the definitions of "goodness" and "greatness". Shields' book talks alot about those words and we decided that what or who was great depends on who is bestowing the honor.

Friday, May 05, 2006

How the Irish Saved Civilization

The most interesting part of our discussion of Cahill's book was the concept or definition of "nonfiction" and "fiction". How do we believe what the author tells us? Are the footnotes enough? How much of his beliefs are given as FACT?
Is this interest in fact or fiction a product of the memoir debacle seen lately in the media? Hmmmmmm.
Most of us liked reading about Irish Catholic history. I will certainly want to know more about St. Brigid.

Tattooed Girl redux...and more.

The Morning Bookclub may have some Joyce Carol Oates fans but, no one was a fan of this book. Soooo, I was not alone this time.
The morning people were shocked and disgusted by events and characters and did not think the book's ideas justified the trip to yuckville.
Some members did not show up because they did not want to finish the book. That makes me wonder about the role of the "book club".
Liking or disliking the book is not what a book club is about. A book club is about discussion...discussing YOUR reaction to the book, the author, the characters and, yes, maybe the plot.
One of the best things about a book club is hearing opinions of members that may be radically different from yours and listening to insights into the book that did not occur to you.
Two things a book club member does: talk and listen. Not so hard you say?
Some of us are shy and have trouble speaking up. Hopefully, when they attend more meetings, they will feel at ease and "trust" the group.
The most difficult of all for many members (and I include myself), is to LISTEN.
Well, our next book is "How the Irish Saved Civilization". I will keep you posted.