Book Club @ MCL

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Female Bonding in Antigua - Annie John

Jamaica Kincaid writes "angry" novels. She was born and raised in a free nation that was once colonized. She usually writes about her frustration with this and what it has meant to her and her people but, this book, Annie John, that we are reading...this one has a different slant. This one is about a mother-daughter relationship. Annie John is angry, frustrated and hostile...hmmm, maybe not so different...

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Southern Worlds

Seems like the Book Club has taken a trip down South and has yet to return up North. The last three books had that region in common (see previous posting) but, the books and the stories took us to different "places". Welty's book was dark and funny but, in Lee's book (To Kill a Mockingbird) we travelled lighter and brighter.
Jones' book, The Known World, takes us into even darker regions...stay tuned.